Lu-Hai Liang

thoughts from a freelance foreign correspondent

Archive for May 2021

Hear my voice

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A screenshot of The Open Door podcast’s Instagram page

Hear My Voice is both a rousing song by British soul singer Celeste and now something you do can do by listening to a podcast.

Months ago I got an email from a couple of young guys asking me to be a guest on their podcast. The podcast is called The Open Door and it’s become a sophisticated and seriously good series of episodes with interesting and varied guests. The majority of guests are Britons of mixed or East Asian or Southeast Asian heritage. Highlights include conversations with Jun Kit Man, founder of Resonate, which went deep on mental health; Sophia Luu, a Cambridge graduate who won the Frances Wilmoth prize for highest marked thesis, opening up about being British Vietnamese; and, obviously, with me.

It’s a great thing Anthony and Patrick (the hosts) are doing and you can hear my voice as I chatted with them. In the episode we spoke about the time I went to North Korea as an undercover freelance journalist, the background, and setting behind that. And we talked about identity, what it means to be British Chinese, and my journey into journalism.

You can listen on Anchor FM


You can also follow them on Instagram @theopendooruk

Recent bylines

My journalism has really gone into backslide as I concentrate on other forms of writing, focusing on developing my creative writing, and book stuff.

But I wrote this in-depth feature for one of my favourite publications, Eurogamer. It’s on how videogames like Grand Theft Auto, Pokemon Go, and Animal Crossing were used by protestors in Hong Kong. It also features an intro where I talk about my friend and I eating Vietnamese pho in Wanchai.

I hope you give it a read!

How Animal Crossing became a place of protest in China and Hong Kong •