Lu-Hai Liang

thoughts from a freelance foreign correspondent

Why I want to work this summer – July 11th

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This is my third summer in Beijing, and the first one where I want to work.

Looking back to last summer, I spent 20 days in Thailand, and I wrote a post in June entitled “What should a freelance journalist do in the summer?

In that post I said it should be the season to unwind and get rid of stresses, but this year I feel differently.

I want to work and do productive things. And this isn’t about money. Yes, I don’t have enough of it to travel. And I still feel the urge to go somewhere where I can swim and frolic.

But I wouldn’t want to do that for an extended amount of time; a weekend would suffice.

Why this might be, I am not sure. Perhaps it is natural that appetites change and the propensity to knuckle down and set to should swing by at different life-stages.

Current days

I have various approaching deadlines and quite a lot to do. And new opportunities have cropped up.

Friends of friends have started up a food company that is doing very well, and they invited me to come up with an advertising campaign. This is a fun challenge.

I am also in the process of designing a course on journalism skills and better writing, which I will be delivering to a multinational company’s Beijing office. This is well paid.

I need this money, it will pay for the next three month’s rent, which I have to pay in a lump sum, and the money from freelanced articles will contribute to food and other living expenses.

The plan is that I will hopefully have enough to do something travel-related in September.

A few weeks ago I had a very hard time — I was not in a good place. But everything has perked up again. Living abroad is often about overcoming those dark days, and trusting in the eventual good times. Optimism must sustain you.

Written by Lu-Hai Liang

July 11, 2015 at 12:30 pm

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